Picard learns from Q that he and his companions are in an alternate timeline where humanity has formed the xenophobic "Confederation of Earth", systematically eradicating or enslaving alien races. Picard, the Confederation's greatest military commander, has been granted the honor of executing the last Borg Queen by Seven of Nine, who is the President of the Confederation and married to the Magistrate.
The group reunite and learn from the Borg Queen that they can prevent the Confederation's formation by travelling to Los Angeles in 2024, which they can only do with the Queen's help. Agnes, Raffi, and Elnor take control of communication and transporter systems in Confederation headquarters while Seven and Picard buy time at the public execution.
As the crowd and the Magistrate grow concerned with their stalling, the others complete their objectives and Picard, Seven, Agnes, Raffi, Elnor, and the Queen are beamed to Rios's ship. They are preparing to initiate time travel when the Magistrate and security officers beam aboard, shoot and wound Elnor, and prepare to execute them all for treason.
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